Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
To improve Care Staffs knowledge and understanding of a Residents rights in relation to the Mental Capacity Act, and how it applies to the residents in their care. It is an Act that answers the questions on who decides, in matters relating to their residents Personal Welfare, Healthcare and Financial decisions
Who needs this course?
All staff working in the Care Industry.
Learning outcomes
Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act and its scope within the Care Industry.
How it will impact on the whole population
Allows Adults to make as many decisions as they can for themselves.
The Five principals of the Mental Capacity Act, and how they can be used day today.
Assessing Capacity
The Legislation and how it affects the Care Industry
Advanced Decisions
The Independent Mental Capacity Advocate
Duration: 2 hours
Training Platform: Live Webinar Training Seminar
Certification: Langfords Certificate